Pam Keene has been my web designer for over 10 years. My business’ first website was an information site and we have moved to having a blog, a recipe page, e-commerce and an events page. My website is sometimes the first thing people see when they are considering to work with me and I want to have the very best first impression! Thank you Pam for all your help and patience helping me build my online vision!
~Denise Barratt MS, RD, LDN Owner & Registered Dietitian Vine Ripe Nutrition
Vine Ripe Nutrition
The website can be found at
Let’s Start Something new
Say Hello!
Send me some information about the website you want to create, whether it is a landing page, a full site with all the bells and whistles, or a small site. I would love to talk to you.
Web Odyssey, LLC
Pamela Keene, Owner
Email: Web Odyssey
Phone: 520.971.1591